If you have a weak spot (shoulders, calves, hamstrings, etc) that you want to bring up, this news is huge.
Hell yes, according to sports scientists at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro.
The scientists designed a training study with Brazilian military recruits to see if the order muscles are trained in effects their growth rates. The results were overwhelming.
All the muscle groups trained made progress in size and strength, but the rate of change was noticeably higher in muscles targeted by the first lifts.
Muscle groups you want to emphasize should be trained first in your workouts.
New research shows junk food impacts muscle quality in ways nobody saw coming - with pictures *inside* the muscles to prove it. 👀 Trust, you need to see this...
Science is finding strength training fights aging all the way down to your DNA, and it may just be the closest thing to a real-life fountain of youth. Here's what you need to know.